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作者: zengjiajia 發(fā)布時間:2024-10-22 20:39:30 點擊:76420℃手機閱讀>>


1、請不要辜負自己的努力,也不要辜負自己所受得苦難。Please do not live up to your efforts and do not live up to your suffering.

2、你要做的就是默默努力,然后超越所有看不起你的人。What you have to do is to work hard in silence, and then surpass all the people who look down on you.

3、你要先經歷輸?shù)闷?,最后才能贏。You have to go through the experience of losing before you can win.

4、不要因為沒有人認同,就放棄了自己熱愛的夢想。Don't give up the dream you love just because no one agrees with you.

5、請好好努力,為了你喜歡的人,為了你想要的東西。Please work hard, for the people you like, for the things you want.

6、生命會閃耀,生命也會痛苦,關鍵在于你準備怎樣生活。Life will shine, life will be painful, the key is how you prepare to live

7、對任何喜歡的事物全力以赴,即使輸了,也要不留遺憾。Go all out to whatever you like, even if you lose, you don't have to regret.

8、雨一直下,但我們不會停。It's raining all the time, but we won't stop.

9、因為心中有夢,所以能獨自度過黑暗的時光。Because there is a dream in my heart, I can spend the dark time alone.

10、當你深夜孤軍奮戰(zhàn),滿天星光都是你的戰(zhàn)友,都在為你閃耀。When you fight alone at night, all the stars are your comrades in arms, shining for you.

11、只要你想開始努力,任何時候都不會晚。As long as you want to start working, it's never too late.

12、無論別人怎么看你,你都要向著陽光野蠻生長。No matter what others think of you, you must grow savagely towards the sun.

13、通往夢想的路上會有很多高墻,但擋不住真正熱愛的人。There will be many high walls on the way to your dreams, but you can't stop the people you really love.

14、你知道嗎?清醒的墮落,最為致命,可清醒的努力,雖然苦但卻很幸福。You know what? Sober depravity, the most lethal, can sober efforts, although bitter but very happy.

15、別人給你貼什么標簽并不重要,重要的是你自己怎么定義自己。It doesn't matter what labels others label you, it's how you define yourself.

