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作者: qiuyating 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-10-07 00:23:50 點(diǎn)擊:20575℃手機(jī)閱讀>>

Save energy, start from me.以下是小編為大家準(zhǔn)備的口號(hào),希望大家能夠喜歡!

1、環(huán)保利民,節(jié)約先行。Environmental protection benefits the people and saves the first.

2、欣賞荒野、回歸自然。Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature.

3、保護(hù)自然界,關(guān)愛家園。Protect the nature and care for home.

4、熱愛生活,騎樂無窮。Love life, ride music.

5、珍惜資源,永續(xù)利用。Treasure the resources, sustainable use.

6、選擇低碳,選擇人生。Choose low carbon, choose life.

7、節(jié)約為本,治污優(yōu)先。Conservation is the basis, and pollution treatment is a priority.

8、人造環(huán)境,環(huán)境育人。Artificial environment, environment educating people.

9、痰吐在地,辱寫在心。Phlegm spit in the ground, humiliated in the heart.

10、由儉如奢易,由奢入儉難。It is difficult to be frugal, like extravagance, from luxury to frugality.

11、地球是我家,綠化靠大家。The earth is my home, and the greening depends on everyone.

12、草兒可愛,大家愛。The grass is lovely and the family is in love.

13、但存方寸地,留與子孫耕。But save square ground, stay with son and grandson ploughing.

14、不要讓綠色,從身邊消失。Do not let the green, disappear from the side.

15、給我一片綠,還你一片蔭。Give me a piece of green, and you have a shade.

16、水清自然甜,水渾人人厭。The water is natural and sweet, and the water is tired of the people.

17、保護(hù)環(huán)境,少說多做。Protect the environment and do less.

18、節(jié)約水資源,職責(zé)人人有。Water resources are saved and everyone is responsible for it.

19、學(xué)校是我家,人人都愛它。School is my home, everyone loves it.

20、節(jié)約用水,造福人類。Save water for the benefit of mankind.

21、少一串腳印,多一份綠意。A small number of footprints, more green.

22、用好你的手,垃圾無處溜。Use your hand well, the garbage is nowhere.

23、創(chuàng)綠色環(huán)保,享生活美好。Create a green environment and enjoy a good life.

24、綠化家園,文明人心。Green homes, civilized people.

25、后勤求發(fā)展,環(huán)保需先行。Logistics for development, environmental protection should be advanced.

26、節(jié)約水資源,責(zé)任人人有。To save water resources, everyone is responsible for it.

27、乘陰靠綠樹,美化靠大家。By the shade of the green tree, beautify the people.

28、環(huán)保自出,健康你我。Environmental protection, healthy you and me.

29、低碳出行,環(huán)保出騎。Low carbon travel, environmental protection to ride.

30、天藍(lán)水清,地綠居佳。The sky is green and the ground is green.

